Find the Words to

INFLUENCE People to Choose You.




To Get People

to Choose You.

Are you ready to be chosen?

Discover the transformative power of words with our exclusive report: "10 Phrases to Get People to Choose You". 

What's Inside?

Persuasive Power: Learn 10 proven phrases that cut through the clutter and place you front and center in the minds of decision-makers.

Science of Success: Learn why these phrases work, delving into the neuroscience of how strategic communication can capture attention and inspire action.

Beyond Basics: Move past the common pitfalls of communication that leave others overlooked. Embrace the phrases that position you as the clear and only choice.

Why This Report?

✅ Expert Insights: Crafted by #1 Bestselling Author and a LinkedIn Top-Ten Coach Christian Hansen, this report distills decades of experience into practical, impactful language tools.

✅ Real Results: These are not just phrases; they're conversation changers, tested and proven in the field. Leaders and high achievers use them to sway opinions and win hearts.

✅ Instant Impact: Implement these phrases immediately in your next pitch, meeting, or negotiation and watch the dynamics shift in your favor.

Who Will Benefit?

  • Leaders seeking to inspire their teams
  • Entrepreneurs driving towards their next venture
  • Sales Professionals aiming to close more deals
  • Anyone who wants their voice heard and their ideas chosen

Give your language the leverage it deserves. Fill in your details, hit 'Download', and start your journey to standing out today.

Our brains are wired to pay attention

to certain things.


When you speak to those same "channels" then you will INFLUENCE people's perceptions of you.


This Report Shows You How. 

Let us know where to send your report.

Want the Full Book?


Phrases to Get People to Choose You


75+ Proven Phrases to Get People to Choose You.

Elevate your communication game with "INFLUENCE: Phrases to Get People to Choose You". This comprehensive guide is packed with wisdom to help you captivate your audience and become the go-to choice in your field.

✅ Expansive Toolkit: Over 75 field-tested phrases that go beyond the basics, giving you the linguistic edge in any conversation or negotiation.

 Deep Dives: Each phrase is accompanied by insights into why it works, based on the psychology of influence and decision-making processes.

✅ Real-World Application: Practical examples show you how to apply these phrases in various scenarios, from boardrooms to sales calls to networking events.

✅ Influence Mastery: Learn to sidestep common communication traps and become a master of persuasion who speaks directly to people's core needs and desires.

 Immediate Results: Start using these phrases right away to see a tangible difference in how people respond to you and your message.

Transform your words into your most powerful asset.

Get your copy and command the attention and respect you deserve.

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